
Aim. To interpret the specifics of the architectonics of an official document with a discursive event “appointment to a position” in German, English and Russian. Methodology. The analysis of the claimed discursive event is carried out using descriptive and comparative methods, as well as by analyzing the structure and interpreting information in an official document when decomposing it into its constituent parts for their further interpretation. Results . The discourse analyzed in three languages is characterized by a similar situation, content and the same goal setting. Discursive architectonics, the number of participants in the “appointment to a position” event coincide in the languages studied. However, there are differences in the use of emotionally expressive vocabulary in the discourses of German and English, and it is completely absent in the Russian-language discourse. This indicates the existence of typological features of the official document “appointment to a position”, regardless of the language, as well as the individual linguistic features of each of the presented discourses. Research implications . The results obtained are important for various branches of the science of language: Text Theory, Text Interpretation, Text Typology. Using these results will be important for the training of linguists, especially in terms of familiarizing them with the latest requirements and features in the field of written business communication.

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