
Antibody production results from B-cell activation and proliferation upon antigen binding. Discs large homolog 1 (Dlg1), a scaffold protein from the membrane-associated guanylate kinase family, has been shown to regulate the antigen receptor signaling and cell polarity in lymphocytes; however, the physiological function of Dlg1 in humoral responses is not completely clear. Here, we addressed this question using a conditional knockout (KO) mouse model with Dlg1 deficiency in different B-cell subsets by crossing dlg1fl/fl mice with either mb1cre/+ or aicdacre/+ mice, respectively. In both mouse models, we observed that Dlg1 deficiency in B cells (Dlg1-KO B cells) led to obvious hyper-antibody responses upon immunization, the effect of which was more obvious in antigen-recall responses. Mechanistically, we found that Dlg1-KO B cells exhibited hyper-proliferation compared with wild-type B cells upon antigen stimulation, suggesting that the hyper-antibody responses are likely induced by the hyper-proliferation of Dlg1-KO B cells. Indeed, further studies demonstrated that Dlg1 deficiency in B cells led to the down-regulation of a tumor suppressor, FoxO1. Thus, all these results reveal an unexpected function of Dlg1 in restraining hyper-antibody responses through the inhibition of FoxO1 and thus antigen-binding-induced proliferation in B cells.

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