
Employment of women has an effective and significant effect on personal independence, self confidence, feeling of security in family system, new norms were established for education of children and marital relations due to which positive and deliberate emotions have been strengthened. If the number of jobs are so less that one can not suggest all applicants for work, then preference should be over men in selection of jobs who are regarded as the breadwinner. Mean while, educational system sets its activities on the basis of this assumption that women don't need job. For example, objective of vocational curricula for women is to be a mother or better housewife. Occupation of women in the world has had considerable effect on expansion of feministic approach for equalization of opportunities and removal of discrimination. A hundred year history of Iranian society in process of industrial change proves this claim. Employment of women occurs through various factors such as education, occupation, urbanization, westernization, and change in attitudes toward and different aspects of life and work which all provide impetus for greater employment of women. For the present study on discrimination of women in employment in Tehran, Iran is analysed on the basis of following indicators 1. Difficulties for getting jobs by comparing between men and women with similar qualifications. 2. Gender inequality in getting job for women. 3. Gender inequality in work place. 4. Same salary for same type of work 5. Gender discrimination in education, lead to inequality in employment opportunities for women. 6. Discrimination in structure of employment in Iran.

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