
Abstract Uglem, I., Berg, M., Varne, R., Nilsen, R., Mork, J., and Bjørn, P. A. 2011. Discrimination of wild and farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) based on morphology and scale-circuli pattern. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 1928–1936. To evaluate the spatio–temporal distribution and ecological impacts of escaped farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), it is necessary that escapees can be traced in the wild. To do this, simple, reliable, and fast methods for determining the origin of cod are required. The aim of this proof-of-concept study was to evaluate whether simple analyses of scales and body morphology can distinguish between wild and farmed cod. Digital images of fish and scales from adult cod from two farms, and wild cod caught near these farms, were analysed by computer-based image analyses. By combining mean breadth of circuli and length-adjusted scale radius in a discriminant analysis, 86 and 80% of wild and farmed fish, respectively, were correctly classified. Moreover, using three simple morphometric measures representing dorsal fin size, neck curvature, and length of lower jaw, 100 and 95% of wild and farmed cod, respectively, were classified correctly. To validate these discrimination methods further, an expanded analysis of additional farmed and wild cod populations is required. The results pave the way for the development of a reliable and standardized methodology for classification of the origin of cod caught in the wild.

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