
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the use of feedforward neural networks (FFNNs), adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS), and probabilistic neural networks (PNNs) to discriminate between earthquakes and quarry blasts in Istanbul and vicinity (the Marmara region). The tectonically active Marmara region is affected by the Thrace-Eskişehir fault zone and especially the North Anatolian fault zone (NAFZ). Local MARNET stations, which were established in 1976 and are operated by the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI), record not only earthquakes that occur in the region, but also quarry blasts. There are a few quarry-blasting areas in the Gaziosmanpaşa, Çatalca, Ömerli, and Hereke regions. Analytical methods were applied to a set of 175 seismic events (2001–2004) recorded by the stations of the local seismic network (ISK, HRT, and CTT stations) operated by the KOERI National Earthquake Monitoring Center (NEMC). Out of a total of 175 records, 148 are related to quarry blasts and 27 to earthquakes. The data sets were divided into training and testing sets for each region. In all the models developed, the input vectors consist of the peak amplitude ratio (S/P ratio) and the complexity value, and the output is a determination of either earthquake or quarry blast. The success of the developed models on regional test data varies between 97.67% and 100%.

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