
A study was performed to determine which magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings are useful in discrimination between metastatic compression fractures and acute osteoporotic compression fractures of the spine. The MR imaging findings in 27 patients with metastatic compression fractures and 55 patients with acute osteoporotic compression fractures were compared by using the chi(2) test. MR imaging findings suggestive of metastatic compression fractures were as follows: a convex posterior border of the vertebral body, abnormal signal intensity of the pedicle or posterior element, an epidural mass, an encasing epidural mass, a focal paraspinal mass, and other spinal metastases. MR imaging findings suggestive of acute osteoporotic compression fractures were as follows: a low-signal-intensity band on T1- and T2-weighted images, spared normal bone marrow signal intensity of the vertebral body, retropulsion of a posterior bone fragment, and multiple compression fractures. The signal intensity on fast spin-echo T2-weighted images obtained without fat suppression played little role in distinguishing between metastatic compression fractures and acute osteoporotic compression fractures.

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