
We present a method for in situ monitoring of phytoplankton composition changes in a marine environment. The method is based on delayed fluorescence excitation spectra analyzed with CHEMTAX software, which is generally used for determination of phytoplankton communities with HPLC pigment data. Delayed fluorescence (DF) is a photosynthetic parameter that can only be measured in living cells. Algal DF excitation spectra are group-specific, based on their composition of photosynthetic pigments. DF excitation spectra of 14 marine algal species from different families were measured with a delayed fluorescence spectrometer. Mixtures were prepared from northern Adriatic algal species representing six taxonomic groups: dinoflagellates ( Prorocentrum minimum), diatoms ( Skeletonema costatum), cyanobacteria ( Synechococcus sp.), prasinophytes ( Micromonas sp.), cryptophytes ( Teleaulax sp.), and prymnesiophytes ( Isochrysis galbana). The DF excitation spectra (DFS) and HPLC pigment compositions of the mixtures were analyzed with CHEMTAX software. The prediction power of DFS–CHEMTAX method was comparable to HPLC–CHEMTAX.

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