
AbstractSaccular otolith shape and size were analysed for the first time in 120 adult individuals of D. vulgaris collected from two localities, the Bizerte and Ghar El Melh lagoons (north-east Tunisia). The objectives were (1) to examine the specific inter- and intra-individual variation in the otolith shape using elliptical Fourier analysis combined with measures of length (LO), width (WO) and area (AO); (2) to use the otolith shape and size analysis as a phenotypic-based approach to discriminate the stock structure of this species in the two localities to investigate whether they represent two separate stocks to inform on appropriate management procedures; and (3) to test for biases resulting from potential fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in the otolith size on the discrimination of stock structure. Discriminant function analysis performed with the normalized elliptical Fourier descriptors coefficients showed statistically significant differences (P < 0.0001) in the otolith contour shape, i.e. asymmetry, either between the left and right sides or between the same sides (left-left and right-right) within and among individuals of the two localities. Besides, a significant asymmetry (P < 0.05) was found in WO and AO among individuals within the Bizerte locality and in WO only within the Ghar El Melh locality. Moreover, significant FA was observed in the otolith size parameters among individuals of the two localities. This significant asymmetry detected in the otolith shape, as well as in the size due to FA, within and among individuals of D. vulgaris collected from the Bizerte and Ghar El Melh localities confirms that the two stocks could be discriminated from each other and should be managed separately. This asymmetry is discussed in light of the instability of development caused either by environmental stress associated with the variation in water temperature, salinity, depth, feeding conditions and pollutants that have led to abnormalities in the development of individuals or by the presence of poor living conditions for the larvae resulting from unfavourable environments.

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