
The understanding of the stock structure of a species is essential to effectively manage fisheries. Otolith shape analysis has been successfully applied in stock identification using the elliptic Fourier analysis. This method was used to assess possible differences in the otolith shape of Helicolenus dactylopterus caught around the Azores, Madeira and mainland Portugal. A total of 294 individuals ranging from 23 to 29 cm in total length, equally distributed by sex and area, were analysed. The multivariate analysis of variance performed on the otolith normalized elliptic Fourier descriptors (NEFDs) revealed significant differences for both area and sex, but no interaction was found between the two factors. In the canonical discriminant analysis an overall classification success of 69.4% and 66.7% was achieved for females and males respectively. These results suggest the usefulness of otolith shape analysis for stock differentiation of bluemouth from Portuguese waters.

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