
AbstractWith significant technological growth and computing power it is possible to simulate metal cutting processes with different discretization techniques. Classically the Lagrangian or Eulerian finite element formulations are used to model metal cutting process. Lagrangian approach is accurate with it's representation of the domain boundary, but requires a re‐meshing procedure to avoid element distortions. Eulerian approach provides a steady state solution of the chip‐workpiece separation, however its limitation lies in the treatment of convective terms during motion. The Arbitrary Lagrangian‐Eulerian method can be used to combine the advantages of both methods and avoid the disadvantages. In the Lagrangian framework, use of a meshless technique– Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has its advantage in large strain deformation problems without the need for re‐meshing algorithms. This work compares the LAG, ALE and SPH approaches by modelling a turning process.

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