
view Abstract Citations (40) References (61) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Discrete Source Models to Explain the Microwave Background Radiation Wolfe, A. M. ; Burbidge, G. R. Abstract Using the homogeneous and isotropic, spatially flat Friedmann and steady-state world models we consider the background radiation generated by a cosmic population of intense sources. Under certain as- sumptions in eachmodel the observed microwave background can be produced, and only observations at a wavelength of c~.35Ø p will be able to distinguish between the source and black-body background spectra. The source backgrounds are compatible with the large degree of microwave isotropy measured to date, but small-scale anisotropies might be resolvable in the source backgrounds at wavelengths near and shortward of the spectral peak. The required sources must be very luminous (1O~5-1O~~ ergs sec') in the millimeter-submillimeter bands, and they must have spatial densities not less than 1 per cent of the density of galaxies. Furthermore, the sources must have relatively weak radio components. The source requirements are compared with objects that are intense in the infrared and millimeter bands (e.g., Seyfert nuclei and QSOs), and we show that radio-quiet QSOs might be the most suitable objects Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: April 1969 DOI: 10.1086/149970 Bibcode: 1969ApJ...156..345W full text sources ADS |

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