
The detection of the solitons whose the propagation is spatially localized on the array is an interesting feature for experimental purposes. Here, we investigate the effect of position-modulated self-Kerr nonlinearity on discrete soliton propagating in an optomechanical array. The optomechanical cells are coupled to their neighbors by optical channels, and each cell supports the self-Kerr nonlinear term. Modulational Instability (MI) together with numerical simulations are carried out to characterize the behavior of the solitonic waves. It results that the nonlinear term shortens the transient regime of the temporal solitonic waves, which allows the wave propagation to be confined along specific cells. As the nonlinear term increases, the pulsed shape of soliton waves get sharped and highly peaked. For a strong enough value of the nonlinear term, the waves feature chaos-like motion. Owing to these results, the position-modulated self-Kerr nonlinear term manifests itself as being an energy source for the solitonic waves, allowing to the generated solitons to propagate during a long time while acquiring energy. These results shed light on the fact that nonlinear optomechanical platforms could be used to generate long-lived temporal localized solitons and even chaotic solitonic waves, which are good prerequisites for information processing purposes.

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