
Abstract. Let (s α (n)) n≥1 be the lexicographically greatest Sturmianword of slope α > 0. For a fixed σ > 1, we consider Dirichlet seriesof the form ν σ (α) :=P ∞n=1 s α (n)n −σ . This paper studies the singularproperties of the real function ν σ , and the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measurewhose distribution is given by ν σ . 1. IntroductionThroughout the paper, N(resp. N 0 ) denotes the set of positive (resp. non-negative) integers. We mean by ⌊·⌋ (resp. ⌈·⌉) the floor (resp. ceiling) function,and by A ∗ the set of finite words over the alphabet A, i.e., the free monoid gen-erated by A.For α ≥ 0, an arithmetic function s α : N→ N 0 is defined bys α (n) := ⌈αn⌉ −⌈α(n −1)⌉.Then s α := s α (1)s α (2)··· is an infinite word over the alphabet {⌈α⌉−1,⌈α⌉}.Now we set, for a fixed σ > 1,(1) ν σ (α) :=X ∞n=1 s α (n)n σ ,i.e., Dirichlet series whose coefficients are given by s α . From now on, we assumeσ > 1 unless otherwise stated explicitly. This real function ν σ : [0,∞) → Rwasfirstly considered in [3], and shown to be continuous at every irrational, whereasleft-continuous but not right-continuous at every rational. Furthermore, ν

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