
We consider the standard model (SM) extended by the flavor symmetry D5 and search for a minimal model leading to viable phenomenology. We find that it contains four Higgs fields apart from the three generations of fermions whose left- and left-handed conjugate parts do not transform in the same way under D5. We provide two numerical fits for the case of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos to show the viability of our low energy model. The fits can accommodate all data with the neutrinos being normally ordered. For Majorana neutrinos two of the right-handed neutrinos are degenerate. Concerning the Higgs sector we find that all potentials constructed with three SM-like Higgs doublets transforming as 1+2 under D5 have a further unwanted global U(1) symmetry. Therefore we consider the case of four Higgs fields forming two D5 doublets and show that this potential leads to viable solutions in general, however it does not allow spontaneous CP-violation (SCPV) for an arbitrary vacuum expectation value (VEV) configuration. Finally, we discuss extensions of our model to grand unified theories (GUTs) as well as embeddings of D5 into the continuous flavor symmetries SO(3)_f and SU(3)_f.

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