
Discrete Model is based on the description of the physical state (velocity, position, temperature, magnetic moment, electric potential ..) of a large number of discrete elements that form the media to be studied. It is not based on a continuous description of the media. Then, it is particularly well adapted to describe media evolution driven by discontinuous phenomena: multi fracturation problems like abrasion process and composite machining, description of multi fracturation followed by debris flow like wear study.Recently, the use of discrete model has been widened to face problem encountered with complex rheological behavior and/or multi‐physical behavior. Multi‐physical problems face complex mathematical formulation because of the mixing of different families of differential equations when continuous approach is chosen. With the discrete model, each particle has a physical state and state evolution is due to local physical particle interaction: it is often much simple to write. Some attempt to study complex multi‐physical problems has been recently presented: thermal study of a contact and how dissymmetry appears in an apparently symmetrical problem, study of Friction Stir Welding.This work outlines how discrete element model can be a useful tool in the simulation of material forming. Example is given on abrasion process and machining of composite.

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