
The three-dimensional structure of the unliganded form of Escherichia coli-derived rat intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) has been determined using triple-resonance three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) methods. Sequence-specific 1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments were established at pH 7.2 and 33 degrees C and used to determine the consensus 1H/13C chemical shift-derived secondary structure. Subsequently, an eight-stage iterative procedure was used to assign the 3D 13C- and 15N-resolved NOESY spectra, yielding a total of 3335 interproton distance restraints or 26 restraints/residue. The tertiary structures were calculated using a distance geometry/simulated annealing algorithm that employs pairwise Gaussian metrization to achieve improved sampling and convergence. The final ensemble of NMR structures exhibited a backbone conformation generally consistent with the beta-clam motif described for members of the lipid-binding protein family. However, unlike holo-I-FABP, the structure ensemble for apo-I-FABP exhibited variability in a discrete region of the backbone. This variability was evaluated by comparing the apo- and holoproteins with respect to their backbone 1H and 13C chemical shifts, amide 1H exchange rates, and 15N relaxation rates. Together, these results established that the structural variability represented backbone disorder in apo-I-FABP. The disorder was most pronounced in residues K29-L36 and N54-N57, encompassing the distal half of alpha-helix II, the linker between helix II and beta-strand B, and the reverse turn between beta-strands C and D. It was characterized by a destablization of long-range interactions between helix II and the C-D turn and a fraying of the C-terminal half of the helix. Unlike the solution-state NMR structure, the 1.2-A X-ray crystal structure of apo-I-FABP did not exhibit this backbone disorder. In solution, the disordered region may function as a dynamic portal that regulates the entry and exit of fatty acid. We hypothesize that fatty acid binding shifts the order-disorder equilibrium toward the ordered state and closes the portal by stabilizing a series of cooperative interactions resembling a helix capping box. This proposed mechanism has implications for the acquisition, release, and targeting of fatty acids by I-FABP within the cell.

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