
We consider an acceptance-rejection sampler based on a deterministic driver sequence. The deterministic sequence is chosen such that the discrepancy between the empirical target distribution and the target distribution is small. We use quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) point sets for this purpose. The empirical evidence shows convergence rates beyond the crude Monte Carlo rate of $N^{-1/2}$. We prove that the discrepancy of samples generated by the QMC acceptance-rejection sampler is bounded from above by $N^{-1/s}$. A lower bound shows that for any given driver sequence, there always exists a target density such that the star discrepancy is at most $N^{-2/(s+1)}$. For a general density, whose domain is the real state space $\mathbb{R}^{s-1}$, the inverse Rosenblatt transformation can be used to convert samples from the $(s-1)$-dimensional cube to $\mathbb{R}^{s-1}$. We show that this transformation is measure preserving. This way, under certain conditions, we obtain the same convergence rate for a general target density defined in $\mathbb{R}^{s-1}$. Moreover, we also consider a deterministic reduced acceptance-rejection algorithm recently introduced by Barekat and Caflisch [F. Barekat and R. Caflisch, Simulation with Fluctuation and Singular Rates. ArXiv:1310.4555 [math.NA], 2013.]


  • 1.1 Scope of researchNumerical integration is a common computational problem occurring in many areas of science, such as statistics, financial mathematics and computational physics, where one has to compute some integral, for instance an expectation value, which cannot be done analytically

  • We prove a convergence rate of order N ↵ for 1/s ↵ < 1, where ↵ depends on the target density, more explicitly, where the value of ↵ here depends on how well the graph of the target density can be covered by certain rectangles

  • In Section 3.2.4, we proved a convergence rate of order N ↵ for 1/s ↵ < 1 for samples generated by an acceptance-rejection sampler using (t, m, s)-nets as a driver sequence, where ↵ depends on the target density

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Bibliography ix

2.1 Local discrepancy of points in the rectangle [0, t ) ⇥ [0, t ). 2.2 The discrepancy measures the di↵erence between the proportion of points in each rectangle J which is anchored at the origin and the Lebesgue measure of J. The star-discrepancy is defined by the supremum of the local discrepancy function over all anchored rectangles J. J to be all rectangles [ , ), we obtain the so-called extreme discrepancy.

Scope of research
Literature review
Our contribution
The concept of discrepancy
The concept of discrepancy t
Numerical integration and the Koksma-Hlawka inequality
Chapter 3 Discrepancy bounds for the acceptance-rejection sampler using
Discrepancy bounds
Upper bound
Lower bound
Generalization to real state space
An improved upper bound
A deterministic reduced acceptance-rejection sampler
Let Sand
A -cover to approximation of the star-discrepancy
Numerical experiments
Stratified sampling
Acceptance-rejection sampler with stratified inputs
The L -discrepancy of 2
Discrepancy estimates
Existence result of samples with small star-discrepancy
Upper bound on the Lq-discrepancy
Numerical results
Chapter 5 Discrepancy bounds for deterministic acceptance-rejection samplers beyond N
Upper bounds on the star-discrepancy
Integration errors
A quality criterion for driver sequences
Proofs point set Fk is bounded by
Remarks we have
Conclusion and outlook
Full Text
Paper version not known

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