
A systematic near-infrared survey was made for globular clusters in the Magellanic Clouds. Two infrared stars were discovered in NGC419 (SMC) and NGC1783 (LMC). NGC419 and NGC1783 are well-studied rich globular clusters whose turn-off masses and ages are estimated MTO ~ 2.0 Mʘ and т ~1.2 Gyr for NGC419, and MT0 ~ 2.0 Mʘ and т ʘ 0.9 Gyr for NGC1783, respectively.The periods of the infrared light variations were determined to be 540 dfor NGC419IR1 and to be 480 d for NGC1783IR1, respectively. Comparison of the measurements with the period—if magnitude relation for carbon Miras in the LMC by Groenewegen and Whitelock(1996) revealed that the Kmagnitudes of the infrared stars were fainter by about 0.3 — 0.8 magnitude than those predicted by the P — K relation. This deviation can be explained if the infrared stars are surrounded by thick dust shells and are obscured even in the K band. The positions of NGC419IR1and NGC1783IR1 on the P — K diagram suggest that AGB stars with the main sequence masses of about 2 Mʘ start their heavy mass-loss when P ʘ 500 d.

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