
The current pandemic COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly around the world. Many countries are still at the peak of infection. The prolonged lockdown has caused a serious impact on the socio-economy of the whole world. There is a growing concern about the link between animal's based food product with all the contagious diseases as most of the pandemic are initiated from farming animals. The micro study of the virus or bacteria could trace the infectious pathway of the contagious diseases and find substantial problem-solving solutions. Nevertheless, the root cause of the diseases remained unknown. Because of this, it is essential to evaluate the root cause of the disease in the macro-scope of study. By discovering the designated function of all the microorganisms from the insight perspective of the Theory of Changes and other Taoism theories, we could define the effective problem-solving solution. The result of the finding has discovered that the microorganisms which bring the so called “contagious diseases” are the cure for Mother Nature to resume its equilibrium. They are the agents of decomposition and transformation of Mother Nature. Coronavirus, other viruses, and bacteria are the essential microorganisms being created by nature to decompose the excessive animals’ dead bodies that awash in the environment into smaller particles or subtracts, transforming them into useful nutrients to be absorbed and restored by Mother earth. After identifying the deadly microorganism as the cure for Mother Nature and recognizing the harm that we have done to Mother Nature, we could find out the root cause of the problem and solve the problem fundamentally.

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