
Mobile devices are a significant ingredient of our daily life, due to sudden increase in use of Android and popularity of Android apps. Android is leading in mobile market. As the openness of Android platform leads to several privacy issues and damage to user's private and confidential information. Basic security architecture is to protect different resources by checking permissions used in Android. It has several limitations for example when apps are granted more permissions than they actually need, which leads to all kinds of malpractices of data stored in Android devices by inserting malicious code. The Android permission system offers to install apps without any choice. There are certain apps available in Google play store which guarantees permission check and also grant or revoke apps's permission during runtime. However we discovered that these permissions are granted or revoked at the applications layer but at the android API framework the permission is leaked and the misuse of information is still going on. We propose secure, transparent permission framework for android apps by reverse engineering the source code.

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