
A highly sensitive, equilibrium-based binding assay termed "Bead Halo" was used here to identify and characterize interactions involving components of the nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery in eukaryotes. Bead Halo uncovered novel interactions between the importin Kap95 and the nucleoporins (nups) Nic96, Pom34, Gle1, Ndc1, Nup84, and Seh1, which likely occur during nuclear pore complex biogenesis. Bead Halo was also used to characterize the molecular determinants for binding between Kap95 and the family of nups that feature multiple phenylalanine-glycine motifs (FG nups). Binding was sensitive to the number of FG motifs present and to amino acid (AA) residues immediately flanking the FG motifs. Also, binding was reduced but not abolished when phenylalanine residues in all FG motifs were replaced by tyrosine or tryptophan. These results suggest flexibility in the binding pockets of Kap95 and synergism in binding FG motifs. The hypothesis that Nup53 and Nup59 bind directly to membranes through a C-terminal amphipathic alpha helix and to DNA via an RNA recognition motif domain was also tested and validated using Bead Halo. The results support a role for these nups in nuclear pore membrane biogenesis and in gene expression. Finally, Bead Halo detected binding of the nups Gle1, Nup60, and Nsp1 to phospholipid bilayers. This may reflect the known interaction between Gle1 and phosphoinositides and suggests similar interactions for Nup60 and Nsp1. As the Bead Halo assay detected molecular interactions in cell lysates, as well as between purified components, it can be adapted for large-scale proteomic studies using automated robotics and microscopy.


  • A highly sensitive, equilibrium-based binding assay termed “Bead Halo” was used here to identify and characterize interactions involving components of the nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery in eukaryotes

  • Bead Halo detects low affinity interactions because it monitors the samples in real time under equilibrium binding conditions without the need for wash steps

  • This conclusion appears to differ from our result shown above for the Nup116 FϾY mutant, but the experiments were performed with different FG domains and different protein interaction assays

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Discovering Novel Interactions at the Nuclear Pore Complex Using Bead Halo

A RAPID METHOD FOR DETECTING MOLECULAR INTERACTIONS OF HIGH AND LOW AFFINITY AT EQUILIBRIUM*□S. Current proteomic analyses using biochemical tools, such as Protein A-tag ( termed ZZ-tag; TAP tag) pull-downs or co-immunoprecipitations, are limited to only detecting high affinity interactions. This is because the necessary wash steps that remove nonspecific interactors (i.e. from the agarose or magnetic beads used as solid support during the isolations) remove specific low affinity interactions. The NPC forms and maintains the sole aqueous conduit between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of cells and gates all macromolecular transport between these two compartments It is composed of ϳ33 nups, and some (the FG nups) contain large, natively unfolded domains with multiple FG repeats [42].

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