
Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework in temporal data mining with many applications. An episode is a partially ordered set of nodes with each node associated with an event-type. The episodes literature has seen different notions of frequency and a variety of associated discovery algorithms under these different frequencies when the associated partial order is total (serial episode) or trivial (parallel episode). Recently an apriori-based discovery algorithm for mining episodes where the associated partial order has no restriction but the node to event-type association is one–one (general injective episodes) was proposed based on the non-overlapped frequency measure. This work pointed out that frequency alone is not a sufficient indicator of interestingness in the context of episodes with general partial orders and introduced a new measure of interestingness called bidirectional evidence (BE) to address this issue. This algorithm discovers episodes by incorporating both frequency and BE thresholds in the level-wise procedure. In this paper, we extend this BE-based algorithm to a much larger class of episodes that we call chain episodes. This class encompasses all serial and parallel episodes (injective or otherwise) and also many other non-injective episodes with unrestricted partial orders. We first discuss how the BE measure can be generalized to chain episodes and prove the monotonicity property it satisfies in this general context. We then describe our candidate generation step (with correctness proofs) which nicely exploits this new monotonicity property. We further describe the frequency counting (with correctness proofs) and BE computation steps for chain episodes. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.

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