
The article is dedicated to the discoverer of coal deposits in the Arctic, Ukrainian geologist Panteleimon Ivanovich Savenko in connection with the 125th anniversary of his birth. The main stages of the life of a talented geologist, his achievements in the study of mineral deposits in a number of regions of Ukraine and the Arctic — Dikson Island, Norilsk ore region and other territories are considered. In particular, the fruitful work of the gifted geologist P.I. Savenko contributed to the discovery near the city of Norilsk and in the lower reaches of the river Tunguska several coal deposits. Particularly noted is his contribution to the study of geology, tectonics and material composition of the unique in terms of reserves and quality of raw materials Kayerkansky coal deposit. This giant field was discovered and explored during the war. Its reserves are about one billion tons. The deposit is the part of Norilsk ore region, where numerous deposits of platinum-copper-nickel ores and other minerals have been discovered. In this regard, the Norilsk ore region is considered as a special metallogenic province of ores and coal deposits. It was also noted that the Norilsk ore region is part of the world’s largest Tunguska giant basin, where hard and brown coals are found in the sediments of the Middle and Upper Carboniferous, Permian, Jurassic and Paleogene. It was especially emphasized that the coking coals of the Kayerkanskoye deposit for many years became the basic raw material for the largest Norilsk industrial plant supplying the country with platinum, copper and nickel. The Kayerkanskoye deposit is located near the surface, where thick layers of easily coking coal have been discovered. Coal mining here is mainly carried out in an open way. It is important that coal coke is currently the main process fuel for the metallurgical industry, and the prices for coking coal are very high. The demand for coking coal grades is very stable — the people of the planet need cast iron and steel. In 1990, Zapolyarnaya Gazeta devoted to the geological activities of P.I. Savenko is an essay highlighting his enormous contribution to the expansion of the energy base of one of the largest industrial regions of the USSR, located beyond the Arctic Circle.

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