
An individual’s environment has a major impact on their activities, travel mode, and health. Thus, to improve physical activity (PA), active transportation, and health, it is important to understand a society’s awareness of their environment. PURPOSE: To evaluate discordance between perceived and actual presence of factors associated with the built environment. METHODS: A survey of 170 college students’ (19±.89 years) familiarity with their environment for PA and PA participation was conducted in Spring 2015. Objectively measured environmental audits of the environment were conducted simultaneously using an environment audit (WASABE). Variables included for the present study include: presence of trails, presence of parks, sidewalk maintenance, and perceived activity of those in the neighborhood. A continuous discordance score (-4 to 4) was created by summing the frequency by which an individual differed from the audit on each variable. A score of -4 represents always perceiving the presence of a variable when there was not one (negative discordance). A score of 4 represents always perceiving the absence of a variable when there was one (positive discordance). Paired-samples t-tests assessed discrepancies between the perceived and actual environment. Pearson correlations examined the relationship between fitness and discordance. A linear regression identified which factors within the individual (i.e., demographics, PA and environmental) most predicted discordance. P values were set at <.05. RESULTS: T-tests indicated significant differences between perceived and actual results for: the presence of bike trails (t=10.69), the presence of parks (t=5.81), and the presence of people being physically active (t=2.49). Positive discordance was correlated with a lack of moderate PA (r=-.27). There were no significant correlations with negative discordance. Predictors of discordance in either direction included: not owning a bike (β=-0.83), rarely using bike trails/routes (β=-.27), and not living near a park (β=-1.33). CONCLUSION: Students are unfamiliar with their environment, which may influence their activities and travel mode. Those who do not participate in activities that would place them in their neighborhood environment are even more unaware of their surroundings than others.

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