
A Newton-Krylov method is developed for the solution of the steady compressible Navier-Stokes equations using a Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization on unstructured meshes. An element Line-Jacobi preconditioner is presented which solves a block tridiagonal system along lines of maximum coupling in the flow. An incomplete block-LU factorization (Block-ILU(0)) is also presented as a preconditioner, where the factorization is performed using a reordering of elements based upon the lines of maximum coupling. This reordering is shown to be superior to standard reordering techniques (Nested Dissection, One-way Dissection, Quotient Minimum Degree, Reverse Cuthill-Mckee) especially for viscous test cases. The Block-ILU(0) factorization is performed in-place and a novel algorithm is presented for the application of the linearization which reduces both the memory and CPU time over the traditional dual matrix storage format. A linear pmultigrid algorithm using element Line-Jacobi and Block-ILU(0) smoothing is presented as a preconditioner to GMRES. The linear multigrid preconditioner is shown to significantly improve convergence in terms of the number of linear iterations as well as to reduce the total CPU time required to obtain a converged solution.

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