
Disclosures of distress and stigma on identified social media can be beneficial. Yet, many who may benefit from such disclosures do not engage in them. I examine factors that inform decisions to not disclose stigmatized experiences on identified social media. I conducted in-depth interviews with women in the US who used social media, had experienced pregnancy loss, and had not disclosed about their loss on identified social media. I detail six types of factors related to the self, audience, network, society, platform, and temporality that contribute to non-disclosure decisions. I show that the Disclosure Decision-Making (DDM) framework introduced in prior work explaining disclosures when they do occur, also explains non-disclosure decisions on social media. I show how DDM builds from and bridges prior privacy theories, namely, Communication Privacy Management and Contextual Integrity. I discuss design implications around removing barriers to disclosure to facilitate beneficial disclosures and reduce stigma.

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