
Abstract. Outstanding scientist, microbiologist, chemist Louis Pasteur left a great legacy to future generations: many discoveries in the relevant fields of science, a large number of disciples, followers and the Paris Institute, bearing his name. Among Pasteur's disciples were more than a hundred Russian scientists, whose fate was different. Some of them returned Home and were able to make a significant contribution to the development of microbiology and immunology in Russia. Not all the names of Pasteur's disciples are known to a wide range of microbiologists. Therefore, the article presents brief materials about some more or less well known scientists-followers of Louis Pasteur. L.S. Tsenkovsky may be considered the founder of microbiology in Russia, who in 1882 published the book "Microorganisms", and later was able to independently create a vaccine against anthrax. Numerous trips to the Pasteur Institute in Paris had a positive value — Lev Semenovich was able to assess how to be equipped laboratories that deal with serious problems in the field of microbiology. Students of Pasteur L.L. Heydenreich, A.D. Pavlovsky, M.F. Popov, A.I. Sudakov, A.A. Raevsky was able not only to develop scientific areas in microbiology, but also to transfer their knowledge to students of medical and veterinary faculties of universities in various cities of Russia, students of the St. Petersburg Military medical Academy and military doctors. I.I. Mechnikov and N.F. Gamalea were great friends and colleagues of Pasteur for many years. Together with Pasteur, they made a great contribution to the prosperity of the Paris Institute and the maintenance of the glory of its founder. The role of these scientists in the world heritage in the field of immunology and microbiology is difficult to overestimate. Associate I.I. Mechnikova was also D.K. Zabolotny, who managed to organize the departments of microbiology and epidemiology in several higher educational institutions of Russia and Ukraine. And, of course, the unsurpassed contribution to the organization of the Pasteur Institute in Russia on the model of the Paris Institute belongs to G.D. Belonovsky. Thanks to his efforts, the Sero-diagnostic laboratory gradually developed into the St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute. Many disciples of Pasteur laid the foundation of a number of scientific areas in Russia: microbiology, immunology, toxicology, hygiene. Thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts among the followers of Louis Pasteur managed to establish in Russia (St. Petersburg) Institute, similar to Paris, also named after him. Each of the disciples of Pasteur thanks to selfless work was able to prove his high rank and make a significant contribution to the development of science for the health of the population of the Homeland.


  • Ученики Пастера из России and were able to make a significant contribution to the development of microbiology and immunology in Russia

  • Numerous trips to the Pasteur Institute in Paris had a positive value — Lev Semenovich was able to assess how to be equipped laboratories that deal with serious problems in the field of microbiology

  • Zabolotny, who managed to organize the departments of microbiology and epidemiology in several higher educational institutions of Russia and Ukraine

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Ученики Пастера из России and were able to make a significant contribution to the development of microbiology and immunology in Russia. Эмиля Ру, в Пастеровском институте были организованы Микробиологические курсы; на них стажировались ученые из многих государств, в том числе из России. Лев Семенович окончил курс Санкт-Петербургского университета со степенью кандидата естественных наук и был оставлен при университете, а через два года после защиты диссертации «Несколько фактов из истории развития хвойных растений» получил степень магистра. Лев Семенович много занимался со своими учениками изучением сибирской язвы, самостоятельно разработал (1883) метод изготовления сибиреязвенной вакцины, так как пастеровская вакцина была монополизирована «Обществом пастеровских вакцин» и метод ее изготовления не был опубликован.

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