
Multiple lines of evidence indicate that cholinergic basal forebrain neurons play an important role in the regulation of cortical activity and state. However, the discharge properties of cholinergic cells in relation to the electroencephalogram (EEG) are not yet known. In the present study, cells were recorded in the basal forebrain in association with cortical EEG activity in urethane-anesthetized rats, and their discharge was examined during EEG irregular slow activity and during stimulation-induced cortical activation, characterized by rhythmic slow (theta) and high-frequency (gamma) activities. Recorded cells were labeled with Neurobiotin (Nb), using the juxtacellular technique and identified as cholinergic by immunohistochemical staining for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Nb-positive/ChAT-positive neurons were distinctive and significantly different from Nb-positive/ChAT-negative neurons, which were heterogeneous in their discharge properties. All Nb(+)/ChAT(+) cells increased their discharge rate with stimulation, and most shifted from an irregular tonic discharge during EEG slow irregular activity to a rhythmic burst discharge during rhythmic slow activity. The stimulation-induced rhythmic discharge was cross-correlated with the EEG rhythmic slow activity. In some units the rhythmic discharge matched the rhythmic slow activity of the retrosplenial cortex; in others, it matched that of the prefrontal cortex, which occurred at a slower frequency, suggesting that subsets of cholinergic neurons may influence their cortical target areas rhythmically at particular frequencies. Cholinergic basal forebrain neurons thus may evoke and enhance cortical activation via both an increase in rate and a change in pattern to rhythmic bursting that would stimulate rhythmic slow (theta-like) activity in cortical fields during active waking and paradoxical sleep states.

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