
Severald ischargef ormulae, w hich can predict the dischargep er unit width in open-channefl lows with a sideweir, have been suggesteda s yet. The dischargec oefficientsi n such formulaew ereo btainede mpirically.I nthis study, the velocitym easurements in subcriticalo pen-channel flows were conducted with an electromagnetic current meter and also the flow depth measurements were conducted with a point gauge, with changing the inlet Frouden umber and the ratio between the inlet flow depth and the length of the side-weir. It was found that the direction of the velocity on the side-weir is almost constant in the vertical direction, but those changes in the streamwise direction. The relationship between the direction of such velocity and the inlet Frouden umber and the ratio between inlet flow depth and the length of the side-weirw as made clear. As a result, a new dischargef ormulao f side-weiri n subcritical open-channel flows with zero height was suggested.

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