
To describe the development and pilot testing of a set of admissions instruments based on the McMaster University multiple mini-interview (MMI) and designed to assess desirable, non-cognitive characteristics in order to inform final decisions on candidate selection for entry to medical school. Community and faculty consultation on desirable, non-cognitive characteristics of medical students informed the development of a 10-station interview. Two stations occurred as part of a group problem-based learning scenario and 8 occurred as individual observations. All interviewers were trained. Interviews were offered to 115 candidates on an academic merit list. Interview performance was used to exclude candidates considered unsuitable, but not to re-order the academic merit list. Admissions decisions were examined in terms of individual interview station performance. This method proved to be an efficient process by which to interview candidates and to determine suitability. Retained and rejected candidates had significantly different total scores and mean scores for each station. Ten independent observations contributed to each decision, without significant interviewer or logistic burden. Candidates reported high levels of satisfaction with the interview process. Admissions interviews can be streamlined and efficient, yet remain informative. A longitudinal study is in progress to evaluate the value of the admissions processes in predicting successful graduation to medical practice.

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