
Semadam Subdistrict in Aceh Tenggara District is the area where flash floods occur most frequently. One of the villages that is threatened with disaster is Kampung Baru Village. Flash floods occur every year but the government's steps have not been carried out completely. Therefore, it is very important to conduct a study of social, economic, physical and environmental aspects to determine the level of disaster vulnerability as a basis for conducting comprehensive arrangement of riverbanks and settlements in order to minimize losses. This research is a descriptive type of research, using a qualitative approach in describing the vulnerability and arrangement of flash floods- prone settlements. As a result, disaster vulnerability was obtained in the high category, so the arrangement carried out included rivers and settlements at the same time. The river is structured by: construction of a reservoir at the head of a river, widening of the riverbed, and reconstruction of a bridge. Meanwhile, settlements are arranged by providing green open space and engineering the transportation system

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