
Disalignment of neon excited atoms in the fine-structure 2pilevels (in Paschen notation) of the 2p53pconfiguration is investigated in a helium–neon glow discharge at temperaturesbetween 15 and 77 K. At several temperatures, we plot the disalignmentrate as a function of the helium atom density for Ne∗ (2p2 or2p7)+ He(1s2)collisions. The slope of this dependence gives the disalignment rate coefficient. Forboth collisions, the experimental data for the disalignment rate coefficient show amore rapid decrease with the decrease in temperature below 40 K than ourquantum close-coupling calculations based on the model potential of Hennecartand Masnou-Seeuws (1985 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 18 657). This findingsuggests that the disalignment cross section rapidly decreases below a fewmillielectronvolts, in disagreement with our theoretical quantum calculationswhich predict a strong increase below 1 meV. The disagreement suggests that thelong-range electrostatic potentials are significantly more repulsive than in theaforementioned model.

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