
Student misconceptions occur because students build their own concepts from their own environment without the help of experts, therefore, students' initial knowledge that is not the same as expert opinion is what causes misconceptions. This study aims to produce an interactive conflict-based cognitive e-module to remediate misconceptions and improve students' understanding of concepts about force. This type of research is design or development research using the Plomp model, with 3 phases, namely; (1) preliminary research, (2) development phase and (3) assessment phase. This research is limited to the expert review development phase. The preliminary research was conducted by reviewing 5 journals about the problems of students' misconceptions on the concept of force. At the development phase, e-module design, self-evaluation, and expert review of the e-module prototype are carried out. The data were obtained from the self-evaluation assessment sheet by three researchers and the validation sheet by three physics lecturers. Based on the preliminary research, it was found that there were problems in understanding the concept of students in the material of force. Therefore, a cognitive conflict-based emodule was designed that could improve students' conceptual understanding. The self-evaluation results of the emodule design showed that the e-module design was in the very good category with an average of 93.4. The results of the expert's study showed that the e-module design was in a very valid category with an average of 85.6.


  • Miskonsepsi dapat diartikan sebagai penggunaan konsep yang tidak sesuai dengan konsep yang dinyatakan oleh para ilmuan atau ahli yang sudah diterima secara ilmiah

  • This study aims to produce an interactive conflictbased cognitive e-module to remediate misconceptions and improve students' understanding of concepts about force

  • Pada bagian expert review dilakuan oleh tiga orang validator didapatkan tingkat kevalidan e-modul interaktif berbasis konflik kognitif berada pada kategori sangat kuat atau sangat valid, yaitu valid dalam hal isi, penyajian, kebahasaan dan kegrafikaan

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Pelukisan atau 1 20 penggambaran vektor gaya

Berdasarkan Tabel 2. materi yang banyak terjadi miskonsepsi pada konsep gaya yaitu tentang besaran-besaran fisika yang terkait konsep hukum I, II, dan III Newton serta aplikasi ketiga hukum Newton tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sebanyak 40% (Shalihah, 2016 dan Rudi, 2015). Materi yang banyak terjadi miskonsepsi pada konsep gaya yaitu tentang besaran-besaran fisika yang terkait konsep hukum I, II, dan III Newton serta aplikasi ketiga hukum Newton tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sebanyak 40% (Shalihah, 2016 dan Rudi, 2015). Kemudian materi lainnya dengan presentase yang sama yaitu 20% mengalami miskonsepsi mengenai konsep gaya gesek 2014), konsep massa dan berat (Br Sitepu E, dkk 2019), pelukisan atau penggambaran vektor gaya Kemudian materi lainnya dengan presentase yang sama yaitu 20% mengalami miskonsepsi mengenai konsep gaya gesek (Abdullah. 2014), konsep massa dan berat (Br Sitepu E, dkk 2019), pelukisan atau penggambaran vektor gaya (Izza. 2015)

Kurangnya minat 2 40 belajar siswa karena pembelajaran yang tidak bervariasi
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