
Adding nitrogen to boreal forest ecosystems commonly increases gross primary production (GPP). The effect of nitrogen addition on ecosystem GPP is convoluted due to the impacts of and interactions among leaf scale photosynthetic productivity, canopy structure, site fertility, and environmental constraints. We used a unique controlled nitrogen fertilisation experiment combined with eddy covariance measurements and the calibration of a LUE-based (light use efficiency) photosynthetic production model in order to reveal differences in photosynthetic capacity due to nitrogen addition.A systematically designed soil moisture survey was conducted to characterise the within-site spatial heterogeneity and validate the difference of water stress between fertilised and control sites. The canopy photosynthetic light responses and environmental constraints were evaluated using an inverse modelling approach. We found that nitrogen fertilisation elevated ecosystem GPP by 24% according to model simulations. This was caused by increases in ecosystem light interception (through an increase in leaf area index (LAI)) and LUE by 7% and 17%, respectively. Nitrogen addition increased canopy potential LUE for both low and high photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) conditions. The calculations of leaf area and light interception indicated that the understorey vegetation contributed 9% of ecosystem GPP in the fertilised site and 7% in the control site when assuming a same LUE for trees and shrubs. The constraint arising from atmospheric water demand, rather than soil water stress, was the dominating control of the intra- and inter-annual GPP variations. The uncertainty propagated from soil moisture data is negligible for GPP predictions, but influential in the inference on the severity of the drought. This study demonstrates the combination of the controlled field experiment with the inverse modelling approach provides a powerful tool to quantitatively describe and disaggregate N addition effects on forest ecosystem GPP.

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