
The common interpretation of the concept of disadaptation behavior is that it is not about individual acts, the reaction of protest but about a more or less stable used stereotype of behavior or almost «lifestyle», is closely related to the constant personal characteristics of subjects of such behavior. Reactions of protest against authorities can be generalized and be directed against the family, schools, institutes of socialization. Their content is confrontation with authorities (father, teacher), the existing laws, the structure of social norms. Sometimes there is a failure to resist and avoid it, which facilitates entry to pseudo-religious communities or informal groups. Reactions of protest may be related to the experience of «alienation». The latter is understood as changes in the perception of oneself (depersonalization), other people or the surrounding reality (derealisation). Depersonalization is a manifestation in the behavior of extreme individualism, when the young man deliberately or because of the necessity of living conditions sharply opposes himself to society, refuses to live according to the rules that most of us adhere to. These are not hardcore criminals, drug addicts, «people of the bottom», whose behavior does not fit into what most define as normal acceptable standards.Negative deviations of behavior are related to the fact that a person does not absorb positive sides, cannot adapt to moral values and norms of behavior that meet the requirements of society, although he may know these norms well. In such a situation, the process of socialization of the individual is broken, which manifests itself in unbalanced mental processes, non-adaptation, violation of the process of self-actualization or in the form of avoiding moral and aesthetic control of its own behavior, which becomes socially disadapted. It would be a great mistake to consider disadaptation only as a negative side, as a devastating manifestation of individualism. Very often disadaptation is only an original, unusual behavior that is simply not perceived, criticized or shocked by the social majority. Disadapted behavior can be of a creative nature, when it helps the person to create his unique original image. Moreover, the owners of such originality can achieve remarkable success in the society.

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