
The study focused on determining the employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in major industries in the Province of Cavite. Specifically, this study aimed to identify the type of disabilities that are accepted for employment in different industries, identify the PWD’s demographic characteristics accepted by the participants in terms of age, sex, and educational attainment, the employability of persons with disabilities in terms of soft skills and hard skills, and the significant difference on the employment acceptability of PWDs in different industries based on the type of disability. It employed a descriptive research design using an online survey questionnaire administered using Google Forms. The study utilized a descriptive method of research using a quantitative approach to describe the variables under study. It employed a purposive sampling technique to consider 60 companies belonging to the major industries within the Province of Cavite. Data were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS. As a result, the majority of the participants have a moderate consideration for all types of disability. Additionally, the majority of the participants moderately prefer hiring the specified age groups of PWDs and do not have any preference in terms of gender in hiring PWDs and possibly accepts both male and female in their respective companies. Also, results revealed that the majority of employers highly prefer PWDs who hold at least one postsecondary diploma. Furthermore, findings show that the majority of the participants highly require all types of soft skills and they also highly require hard skills such as computer application skills, data analysis skills, working linguistics skills, planning skills, and mathematical skills in hiring PWDs. In regards to significant differences on the employment acceptability of different industries based on the type of disability, it is revealed that PWDs are accepted by the specified industries regardless of their disability type. With the exception of the construction industry, in which there is a significant difference on the acceptability of PWDs depending on their disability type.

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