
Speech acts in general are not only used in the process of interaction between individuals, but can also be used in literary works, one of which is film. Film is a literary work that has a dominant use of speech acts. This is proven by the variety of speech acts shown through communication between characters in the film. One form of speech act is a directive speech act. This research discusses directive speech acts and speaking strategies used in the film Surga Yang Tak Missed 3 directed by Pritagita Arianegara. This research aims to describe the forms of directive speech acts and the speaking strategies used in each form of directive speech. The theory used is Searle's theory (2005). This research uses a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. The data source for this research is the dialogue from the film Heaven Yang Not Missed 3 directed by Pritagita Arianegara. This research data is oral data that contains directive speech acts and fulfills speaking strategies. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that commanding speech and direct and literal speaking strategies are the most frequently occurring forms of directive speech acts. This is because commanding speech dominates some forms of directive speech acts and is generally conveyed explicitly in the dialogue of this film. Meanwhile, pleading speech and indirect and non-literal speaking strategies were the fewest data found. This is because there are not many pleading words uttered by the characters and there are not many implied statements in this film

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