
Since the beginning of the civilization emergence, people began to use the minerals extraction on the surface of the Earth and the rock mass transportation. One of the main tasks of the mining industry is the transportation of an increasing rock mass amount from the quarry, which has caused the need to increase the power and carrying capacity of mining dump trucks. Today, we can assume that the revolutionary period of increasing the carrying capacity in the creation of heavy-duty dump trucks is over. Further improvement of the designs of frame dump trucks is impractical. To create super-powerful dump trucks capable of efficiently transporting rock mass from deep horizons, fundamentally different designs of machines and power plants are needed. The most important requirement for promising machines is to minimize the negative impact on the environment. In its development, mining vehicles have come a long way: a hand wheelbarrow - a horse cart - a truck - a diesel mining dump truck - a diesel-electric mining dump truck - an electric mining dump truck - an unmanned electric mining dump truck. According to the law of the transition from quantity to quality, it can be assumed that the period of increasing the carrying capacity of mining dump trucks has ended (quantitative changes), and a new period of qualitative changes begins (the development of new types of mining transport, an increase in the specific capacity of a power plant, the use of other energy carriers, etc.). An important area is the use of artificial intelligence: robotic dump trucks, self-diagnostic systems, etc. The main requirement for promising machines is to reduce the cost of transporting rock mass and a minimum negative impact on the environment.

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