
Aim: The aim of the research was to determine the risks of telecommunications enterprises in Ukraine in martial law and post-war conditions. Methods: During the writing of the article, scientific research methods were used – namely: dialectical, analysis and synthesis, generalization and specification, monographic; forecasting and abstraction; systematic; factorial, statistical analysis; the abstract method, methods of system analysis, and a systems approach. Results: The authors analyzed the changes and systematized the specific risks of telecommunications enterprises in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author’s definition of the concept of the “activation of risk management of telecommunications enterprises” was proposed, taking into account the specifics of risks in the field of telecommunications. Conclusions: The article builds a triangle of directions of activation of risk management of telecommunications enterprises, which are interconnected and cover the stages of the risk management process that relate to management functions. Based on the obtained results, recommendations were presented for the risk management mechanism of the telecommunications enterprise.

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