
Ensuring the security and reliable defense of a military camp is necessary for any locality. However, due to the specificity and limitations of each region, they lead to the usage of appropriate measures that are adapted to the existing reality. Other issues related to the organization and maintenance of the field camp are determined primarily by security considerations. Therefore, the camp operates as a fully integrated system of deployed armed forces infrastructure which is designed to initially provide basic services and facilities for the location with the ability to improve over time by adapting to needs. The functional structure allows you to predict the spatial distribution of objects and improve the organization of the entire field camp. There are two main types of infrastructure within the camp: service and logistics (rear). In the conditions of operations as part of foreign missions, armed contingents of the NATO member states armies equip field camps of various types. According to the duration of usage, field camps are divided into: mobile (short term of placement), typical (up to a year) and foreign garrisons – large points of long-term placement of a military contingent (term of more than a year). The key task regarding the deployment of field camps is the placement of combat units (units) with all equipment, weapons, military and special equipment and other means in the deployment areas without long-term preparation of the infrastructure and material and technical base. The article presents the analysis, principles and approaches to the construction of the necessary infrastructure for the field deployment of armed contingents of the NATO armies member states when performing missions. The structure of a modern universal mobile complex of logistics support is determined and it consists of mobile modules (platforms) corresponding to their specific purpose. The ways of new global developments in the system of locating and ensuring the vital activity of personnel during the execution of combat tasks are presented. Views were considered ,recommendations were made and directions for improving the system of logistical support of military units (units) when deployed in the field in modern armed conflicts were discussed, as well as the expediency of equipping field camps according to the block-module system.

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