
Based on historical development, the article identifies prospects for updating the modern organizational and legal support of inland waterway management in Ukraine. The relevance of the research topic is due to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Inland Water Transport” and the absence of certain public institutions that carry out state regulation in the field of transport. According to the author, this slows down the effectiveness of the new Law implementation and worsens the state of updated industrial legislation development. It is noted that the creation of the regulation effective system and management of activities on inland waterways is the significant aspect of further development of the industry. The task of the article is to develop suggestions for improving the legal regulation of inland waterway management in Ukraine for the transition period. The author identifies the genesis of legal standards of inland waterway management based on the use of methods of historicism, formal-legal analysis and synthesis, as well as scientific forecasting. Their predominant focus on the vectors of public (state) influence formulation, the spread of coastal states’ power to activities on rivers and the lack of attention to the self-governing functions of private maritime traffic entities. The importance of forces and means of regulation/management balance maintaining for the formation of the effective impact on the relationship that develops during transportation by inland waterways is underlined. Emphasis is given to the fact that the development of river transport is impossible without the important role of the state and its bodies and the secondary, auxiliary role of associations of economic entities and public entities to ensure the operational impact on crisis situations. It is suggested to form self-governing institutions that are directly involved in maritime traffic and other uses of inland river connections, and to ensure their stable cooperation with government agencies for the best possible regulation of the industry.

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