
AbstractThe state of technical equipment of livestock facilities is outlined, Russia’s dependence on imported equipment is shown, the volumes of milk production, livestock and poultry weight gain, the scale of their decline in comparison with the pre-reform period are shown. The cost of technical means and consumed resources of compound feed, electricity and fuel are the main reasons for the low profitability of milk production, unprofitability of beef and sheep products. The article considers the directions of development of technical progress in the mechanization and automation of the execution of processes at facilities for the production of milk, beef, pork, sheep products, animal feed, evacuation of excrement and the preparation of organic fertilizers, which form the basis for the development of a system of machines for the period up to 2030. The new system of machines, prepared by the leading scientific and educational institutions of the country under the leadership of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM”, should become the scientific and methodological basis for conducting research and development work to create innovative technology, and organize the production of technical means. The directions of development of technical progress outlined in the system of machines must be used in the training programs for engineering personnel and zoospecialists.KeywordsTechnical meansLivestock facilitiesSystem of machinesMechanization and automationResource costsTechnical progressResearch directions

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