
Abstract Six herbicides were compared as directed foliar sprays applied in May, July, and September on seven hardwood species and on loblolly pine. Equal-cost mixtures that met or exceeded minimum labeled rates were tested for Weedone 2,4- DP, Gadon 4, Garlon 3A, Arsenal Applicator Concentrate, Roundup, Escort, and Roundup + Escort. Test hardwoods were sweetgum, southern red oak, water oak, red maple, pignut hickory, dogwood, and yellow poplar. Crown volume reduction and rootstock reduction after one growing season were the main indicators of efficacy. Using directed sprays, yellow poplar was the easiest species to control, and pignut hickory was the most difficult. Control of sweetgum was most effective with Weedone, Arsenal, and Roundup. For control of oaks, the most effective applications were in July with Arsenal, Garlon 4 and 3A, and Roundup; but these and other hardwood species tended to refoliate 2 years after Arsenal treatment. Herbicide safety to loblolly pine was best with Arsenal and Escort, while injury was greatest with Roundup and Garlon 3A, which might have potential use in precommercial thinnings. South. J. Appl. For 14(4):199-206.

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