
We have examined the effects of increasing doses of chloroquine (CQ), on transferrin secretion in primary cultures of immature rat Sertoli cells (SC) grown on a reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel) in bicameral chambers. SC cells were seeded in serum-free defined medium at a density of 3 x 10(6) cells/0.64cm2/well on Matrigel covered Millicell-HA filters. CQ at concentrations ranging from 0.04-1.0 microM was added to the basal compartment of the bicameral system from day 7 of the culture. The formation of the tight junction was monitored by the measurement of the transepithelial resistance (TER) at 24 hr intervals using an impedance meter TER in untreated controls was 50 Ohms/cm2 on day 1, and increased progressively to 80 Ohms/cm2 by day 7 and plateaued until day 12. On the seventh day of culture, CQ was introduced into the basal chamber During the 4 days of the experiment, the secretion of transferrin decreased with time. Maximal transferrin secretion by SC was detected during the initial 2 day collection period. During the subsequent collection period, CQ (1 microM) decreased significantly transferrin secretion by SC, while 0.04 microM CQ did not affect transferrin secretion. The polarized secretion of transferrin in response to CQ was also studied. During both collection periods there was no significant difference between controls and 0.04 microM CQ cultures in the ratio of apical to basal transferrin secretion. In the 1 microM culture medium, CQ diminished significantly the ratio of apical to basal transferrin secretion. These observations demonstrate the heterogenous effects of lower doses of CQ on immature rat SC in cultures.

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