
The heat generated from electrochemical reactions has been considered one of the most significant issues in terms of the reliability of energy conversion devices. So far, no systematic study on the relation between heat generation and electrochemical reaction exists, especially in the form of experiments. In this study, changes of the temperature distribution and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) on the catalyst coated membrane (CCM) in proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cells (PEMECs) are in-situ visualized with the help of a novel PEMEC design, thermal spectroscopy and high-speed visualization system. At the channel-scale, the temperature increases rapidly for most of the active areas, and finally reaches the equilibrium state at 27 °C. The temperature distribution is non-uniform throughout the process. In addition, a series of pore-scale analyses are provided to clarify the relation between the temperature distribution and electrochemical reaction area. More interestingly, the rapid heat generation areas are found to be in a good agreement with the electrochemical reaction areas, which confirms that the heat is released during the reaction processes. Finally, the temperature evolution phenomena on the LGDL surface have also been recorded. These findings could help better understand the correlation between the cathode side electrochemical reaction and heat generation.

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