
Dislocations in silicon produced by plastic deformation are generally dissociated into partials. 60° dislocations (Burgers vector type 1/2[101]) are dissociated into 30°(Burgers vector type 1/6[211]) and 90°(Burgers vector type 1/6[112]) dislocations. The 30° partials may be either of “glide” or “shuffle” type. Lattice images of the 30° dislocation have been obtained with a JEM 100B, and with a JEM 200Cx. In the aforementioned experiments a reasonable but imperfect match was obtained with calculated images for the “glide” model. In the present experiment direct structure images of 30° dislocation cores have been obtained with a JEOL 4000EX. It is possible to deduce the 30° dislocation core structure by direct inspection of the images. Dislocations were produced by compression of single crystal Si (sample preparation technique described in Alexander et al.).

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