
Restoration of wetland and associated ecosystems is a major goal of land management agencies throughout the world. On the lower Colorado River, creation of riparian forests is planned to mitigate riparian habitat degradation by historic land-use conversions and river management. Current restoration practices use propagated plant stock. If direct seeding can be implemented, genetic and structural diversity could be enhanced at restoration sites even while reducing costs compared to vegetative propagation methods. A small-scale field study was implemented in Cibola, Arizona, to determine the effectiveness of direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood ( Populus fremontii), Goodding's willow ( Salix gooddingii), and coyote willow ( S. exigua). For the first growing season, establishment of Fremont cottonwood averaged 7% of pure live seed rates for all treatments combined, whereas establishment of willows was less than 1%. Volunteer species were abundant, with grasses dominating cover and biomass after one growing season. Saltcedar ( Tamarix ramosissima) established in abundance, but showed lower growth rates than Fremont cottonwood during the first growing season. Monitoring for three growing seasons indicated higher growth rates and survival of Fremont cottonwood compared to all volunteer species. Study results indicated that direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood is likely to be an efficient method for tree re-vegetation. Additional studies are required for willow species to determine if establishment from seed can be increased through enhanced weed control and elimination of Fremont cottonwood from the seed mix.

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