
Direct photon tagged jets, in the form of photon-hadron correlations, are well suited to provide unique insight into how jets interact with the quark gluon plasma. Since photons do not interact strongly with medium produced at RHIC, at leading order the measured photon momentum approximately balances that of the away-side parton. The modification to the effective fragmentation function can be measured by comparing integrated away-side yields in direct photon-hadron correlations in Au+Au collisions to those in p+p. By varying the away-side integration range, the angular dependence of the observed modification can also be studied. Direct photon-hadron correlations have been measured with PHENIX in p+p and Au+Au using a statistical subtraction technique to remove the decay photon contribution from the inclusive photon-hadron correlations, with an additional isolation cut applied in p+p to reduce uncertainties. Recently published results showing a significant modification to the fragmentation function with an azimuthal angle dependence indicative of broadening are discussed in the context of related theoretical models and complementary results from other experiments.

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