
The article is devoted to the so-called "war of currents", which unfolded in the United States in the late 19th-early 20th century. The winner of this "war" was a talented Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla. He professed the ideas of alternating current. He was opposed by the famous American businessman and scientist T. Edison. Enterprises of the latter produced machines running on direct current. It made a big profit. After a number of conflicts, Tesla, who worked for Edison, left his company and organized a business of his own jointly with an industrialist D. Westinghouse. Tesla's ideas and projects won a landslide victory. The development of direct current systems ended in the late 1920s, despite the efforts of T. Edison. N. Tesla was at the origins of alternating current systems, the appearance of electric motors, robotics, wireless charging devices and much more. Today, the ideas of the great Serbian inventor, even the most fantastic ones, are experiencing a rebirth.

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