
AbstractDayside solar‐produced concentrated F region plasma can be transported from the midlatitude region into the polar cap during geomagnetically disturbed period, creating plasma density irregularities like polar cap patches, which can cause scintillation and degrade performance of satellite communication and navigation at polar latitudes. In this paper, we observed and investigated a dynamic formation process of a polar cap patch during the 13 October 2016 intense geomagnetic storm. During the storm main phase, storm‐enhanced density (SED) was formed within an extended period of strong southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz condition. Total electron content (TEC) map shows that a polar cap patch was segmented from the SED plume. The Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) was right underneath the segmentation region and captured the dynamic process. It shows that the patch segmentation was related with a sudden northeastward flow enhancement reaching ~2 km/s near the dayside cusp inflow region. The flow surge was observed along with abrupt E region electron temperature increase, F region ion temperature increase, and density decrease. The upstream solar wind and IMF observations suggest that the flow enhancement was associated with dayside magnetic reconnection triggered by a sudden and short period of IMF By negative excursion. Quantitative estimation suggests that plasma density loss due to enhanced frictional heating was insufficient for the patch segmentation because the elevated F region density peaking at ~500 km made dissociative recombination inefficient. Instead, the patch was segmented from the SED by low‐density plasma transported by the fast flow channel from earlier local time.

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